Even Old New York was Once Old Dutch
Okay so I'm going to try this onesober....................................................
Sorry if I didn't get to everyone, but I had alot of UFCDVD's to plough through (Go Babalu!!)
So Chris Gets out of Rehab and..............................
With Chris getting out of rehab, his newly foundMuslimism,made things a little different - as Chris changedhis name to the more Islam friendly, Vorheis Bin Sheckky Jr.An odd place to do a first night of wacky Mental housefarce..the lobby of the biggest TGIFriday's in town. Gettingready for the show backsatge, Raph's korean wife, Tong Po-came by to serve him his divorce papers.
Laph, you reave me arone at home lile you go to New Yok. Idon't bereive it! I reave you. I get house,car andpalakeet.Good Day! I said Good Day!I am Tong Po!" Sheexcr....laimed.
Raph was crestfallen. He wept like an Irishman at last call.Chris...er, Mr. Sheckkky held him in his arms, and said hewas going to sing and ancient Muslim hymm about becoming afish salesman.
"My mother and father was a fish monger,Like Mother and Father were there B4,They walked with wheelbarrows, through streets wide andNarrows ,Crying - Cockles and Muscles... alive alive ooohhhh"
Rest of the cast joins in "Alive Alive ohhhh,alive aliveohhh Cockles and Muscles alive alive oooh"
Raph got his bearings back and was ready to preform. Howeverthe TGIF freezer over froze and the show had to be done in achilling -10 degrees celcius. The pre show music was changedto Foreigner's "Cold As Ice". The nympho scene had to belengthened considarably just to get the body heat flowing sothat Mr. Sheckky would not die of hypothermia. HilaryClinton was not allowed into the theatre, because herpresence would make the place just too dam cold.
We sent Kerri to break the news to her.
Kerri: Uh, sorry er.....Bill's wife....er. Mrs Clinton. Weare fulll, yeah that's it.....full
Hilary:ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Me want see show.Me crush on Darcy.He dreamboat!
Kerri:Nope, uh...full. I was just wondering,with you being aSenator,and Bill being a rock and rolll sex machine, Iwoudn't think you would have time to make his dinner. So, doyou just make them all on the weekend, and then freeze themor does he stay up late and wait for dinner or....what's thedeal with that. Hilary:ARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
At that point ice lazers shot out of Hilary's eyes and frozeKerri in a solid block of ice.She stormed of to see "Bringin da noise, Bring in the Funk" Starring Randy Bachman andthe emaciated corpse of Former Talk About host and PrimeMinister Pierre "Rumples" Trudeau.
The nymphos had to take over in the boothe making for alighting freeforalll and brough ha ha ha. During the big endfight scene it was so cold, (How cold Was It?) It was socold that Mr Sheckky cut Darcy with his erect nipple,causinghim to bleed profusely - like a stuck pig, like someoneturned on a fawcett of blood. Mr. Sheckky slipped on thepuddle of raw, unbridled blood. He had to be rushed to alocal medical facility immmediately after the show.
In the meantime, and in between time....the Shockers werewithout a blowtorch to get Kerri out of the Hilary Ice BitchForcefield.So everybody went to the Hospital with Darcyexcept Raph and Jennette,who new the perfect replacement fora blough torch.....a "Six Pence None The Richer" Concert,who were playing across town at the Chili's. When theSPNTR'ers played their hit "Kiss Me" all the people in theaudiece turned to there lovers and just to be the tritethoughtless mouth breathing, USA Today reading, Budweiserdrinking,Gerund phrase using, sheep that they are- andkissed. Raph and Jenette the looked at each other awkwardly,both gave each other a little wink,and.......................................proceeded to robthe making outters blind with sly and swift pickpocketry.Andoff to the all night Blowtorch Boutique they went.
Will Kerri Be thawed out of Hilary's Icy Abyss?Will Darcy clot?Will Chris ever eat pork againWill the Catholic Church ever realize that She is a whorewho will Spread her legs to the highest Bidder (Nazis,theFrench...too soon?)
Find out, probably 3 or four days, I'd check about once aweek - and my birthday is comming up- remember I'm amedium,and am alergic to wool.
The Jim Beam bourbon factory was forged in 1897 whem JimBacardi and Beam Labatt fused there struggling distelleriesto form Jim Beam Kentucky bourbon. Making woman wearsunglsses all the time since 1897. Mel Gibson drank Jim Beamand blamed the jews for Fiddler on the Roof, claimed it wastoo long, like ray's johnson.